A couple of weeks ago I did a writers workshop for a group of 5th & 6th graders. It was a great time and I had hoped the students enjoyed the session. Whether they learned anything or not, I had no idea ... until I received a large packet in the mail the other day.
The students sent me not just a thank you note, they wrote individual letters. In past workshops, I've received pictures ~ either colored or ones the teacher has taken. I always enjoy receiving those. Other times I have received a thank you card where each student has signed their name, etc. This group of kids went beyond all that.
I'm sharing with you because kids are writers too and we as adults sometimes forget that. We know they have to write for homework assignments, etc. and an occasional thank you note, but to sit and hand write a letter was new for me to receive. With all the social media these days, I didn't think kids did that sort of thing anymore.
I had told the kids they could call me, DL, or Mrs. Deb.
Hope you enjoy ...
'Dear Miss Deb,
Thank you for being in our classroom yesterday! I had sooo much fun. I liked to learn about genres and characters. That was my favorite part. I learned so many things like different genres, developing characters, action verbs, different parts of a story. Oh, I could go on forever of how much I learned and had fun! I liked how much the class and I learned.
Thank you, Emily'
'Dear D.L.,
Thank you so much for coming to our school to each us about being an author! It was really fun. It was so cool how you took "he" and changed him into "Nate Yorkston" and "school" to "Frankenstein Academy." It was a very fun experience that I will never forget. I hope you had a great Halloween!
Thanks, Mackenzie'
'Dear D.L.,
Thank you for teaching us how to be a author. I learned how to plan a story first and developing characters and parts of a story. Happy Halloween!!! Thank you!!
boo Thanks, Alyssa'
Dear Miss Deb,
Thank you for coming yesterday and teaching us about being an Author! It was so nice of you for coming and showing us types of genres, developing characters, action verbs, different parts of a story and CONFLICT and struggles. I think it's really cool that your an author. I myself (heart) reading!
Sincerely, Isabell'
'Dear Miss Deb,
I have learned a lot about your presentation Thursday. I learned about developing characters, action verbs, different parts of a story and an author needs imagination. Thank you for teaching us and me. Also thank you for taking time out of your time and the treats.
Sincerely, Ariana'
'Dear Mrs. Larson,
Thank you for inspiring us to read more, but most of all to be an author. You really touched my heart and taught me about so many different genres. Also thanks for teaching us how to write a story and what it takes to do it. I also learned about how to organize and plan a story and how to make them bigger. You were fun and I also wanted to thank you for the treats and the pencil. Hopefully you could come back soon, you were so much fun!!!
Thanks you, Alex'
'Dear Mrs. Larson, (the only one written in cursive!)
Thank you for coming in to our class to teach us. I learned about creating interesting characters, action verbs, and different parts of a story. My class also learned about planning the story first. Happy Halloween!
Thank you, Wes'
'Dear Miss Deb,
I really appreciate you for coming to our school. You were so nice to us. I learned about all of the different genres, also you showed us how to make a story. I didn't know all these things but you teached us all more about a developing story, genres, characters and setting. Happy Halloween, from Aaron'
Feedback is always a good thing. I won't bore you with the other letters; they are very similar and written with an eagerness I sometimes forget young people have. I believe the two big words for the day were: genre and CONFLICT. So I feel I've planted a few seeds for these young writers.
I'm always revved up after I've done a kids workshop. The prep work and the implementation inspires me. So by helping others, I end up helping myself. I call that a win-win.
Hope their enthusiasm inspires you to write as well!
'Til next time ~
DL Larson