Book Beat Babes

Book Beat Babes

Monday, January 13, 2014

Bullying and yes Zombies

Bullying is a problem that has gone on for decades, maybe centuries. You think maybe the cavemen were picking on each other, too?

And... even in the fictional #zombie world, it seems, you'll have bullies. I mean, what can be worse than being a teenager-- and then turning part-zombie??

I talk more about this and provide an excerpt of my book, GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie at the other blog today. Hope you'll stop by.


  1. Putting a bully or bad guy in a story is one way to add tension and suspense.

    Morgan Mandel

  2. And it's a way to make people look very ugly by what they say....

  3. Bullying definitely has been around since the dawn of time for sure. Think about Cane and Abel, right? It's just gone through different buzz words to describe it.

    Morgan's right...a bad guy certainly adds some tension to a story.

  4. Topical subject, and I agree with Morgan-adds depth to a story.
