Book Beat Babes

Book Beat Babes

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Wrapping Things Up & Starting Anew! by DL Larson

My six month contract is up at my local book store. My husband brought the extra books home along with a nice-sized check. Now, I will send that money on to the charity I mentioned months ago ... The National Suicide Hotline USA.

I'm giving my first fruits away. It's a Biblical term and I hope and pray the seeds I planted will flourish in the future. I've also given to another favorite charity of mine, The Food Resource Bank. This is a farmer/church supported organization helping farmers around the world. Our philosphy is a "hand up, not a hand-out."

With this firm foundation, I'm ready to launch into the new year. I have plans to promote my book further and to send my next book to my editor for review. If you are interested in purchasing any of my books, visit DL Larson at Most are available in hardback or e-book form.

Happy New Year!

Til next time ~

DL Larson


  1. What a great way to start the new year off right by giving to others.

    May you have a prosperous one in many ways in return.

  2. Thanks Deb!
    Happy New Year to you too!

  3. You're a very generous author, Deb!

    Morgan Mandel
